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I enjoy being behind a camera almost as much as I do being under a spotlight. Photography(primarily film, but also digital) has grown into a big passion of mine and I've worked with a range of bands and musicians in the past on things ranging from promo shots to album artwork, in addition to some non-musical work as well. 

If you're in need of some promo, artwork, or a live music photographer, drop me an email with your requirements!


One of my favourite shots from a January '23 live music photoshoot at a sold-out Camp and Furnace(Liverpool) with Kerrashed!, a pop-punk/emo covers function band. []


Good Grief's single, '1324', which I shot the cover artwork for in February 2020. For this one I shot on both my DSLR and a medium-format film camera, but the digital shot won out in the end.

Promo shot for singer-songwriter Andy Clarke at The Undercroft in Leeds, March 2020.

This was shot on a DSLR, but using a Soviet-era film camera lens which gives the shot a warm, soft, vintage atmosphere.

This was shot as part of a session which was recorded on both video(again through retro lenses) and vintage reel-to-reel tape machine.


Promo shot for Leeds-based guitarist and pedal-builder (check out @flokpedals on instagram) Joel Fellick, taken at The Undercroft in January 2020.

Promo shot for bassist (and brother) Andy Leggett at The Undercroft in Leeds in January 2020.

As was the case on Andy Clark and Joel Fellick's shots, this was taken on a modern DSLR with a vintage lens for the correct retro feel.

Promo shot for my third photography zine, self-published in December 2020. The first of my three zines('Lockdown 2020: 35mm postcards from Manchester, UK, during the COVID-19 outbreak') has been shipped around the world, ended up in Ohio State University's Library, and almost entirely sold out both print runs.

Promo shot for Manchester-based coach, podcaster, and suicide prevention advocate Alice Lyons (, @alicelyonscoach/@darkcoffeeco/@solvingsuicide on instagram), shot at the Whitworth Gallery on 35mm Fomapan film with a 1970's Zenit camera and self-developed/scanned at home. I was keen to capture Alice's thoughtful side, and this externally-lit installation provided the perfect opportunity.


To see more, feel free to have a gander at my photography instagram account- @stevelphotography

Drop me a DM or an email if you'd like to work together!

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