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As a hired-gun professional musician with over ten years experience in the industry, I'm now keen to share some of my insights into what makes certain gigs great, and others less so- and critically I want to help you achieve and maintain that nirvana-like state of 'BIG GIG ENERGY'- so that every gig you play feels like your biggest yet.
Because when every gig feels like your best so far, the odds are it probably is.

I'll be offering this on macro and micro levels:

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The macro, 'bigger picture' level will be explored with my new podcast, Big Gig Energy, which launched in January 2023.


This breaks down the key concepts involved in being a musician and successfully finding your way in the music industry; skills and tools which will enable you to not just survive, but thrive, in the second most inhospitable industry in the world(the first being children's TV...probably)


Between solo episodes, and interviews with my peers on the music scene in the northwest of England, the BGE podcast will offer plenty of useful advice and positive reinforcement, no matter what level of the industry you're currently working at.

On a Micro, personal, situational, detailed level however, I offer personalised 1:1 coaching where I will help you apply the general concepts discussed in my podcast to your specific situation- whether that's for your band, or for your personal career as a solo musician/'hired gun' like myself.



Obviously, this kind of coaching isn't for everyone.


But, if you're just getting started and want to bypass the 'trial and error' phase, or if you've been going for a while and feel like you've hit a ceiling... either way, some pointers and accountability could be just what you need to kick things up a notch!


After all... most musicians have taken instrumental lessons at some point to help us get started or get over a rut... so why shouldn't we do the same for our careers? You may well be a fantastic musician... but can you say the same when it comes to your band admin and musical career development skillset?



If you feel it's time to get your business chops up to speed and your career in music to the next level, drop me a line!

For more info (and a price list), email me at!

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